With his forked tongue, razor-sharp fangs and horns that poke from his forehead, Diablo Delenfer, 43, from Kent, looks like most people's idea of a terrifying demon.
Now the former security guard and self-described 'body modification artist' is to have screws implanted into his skull in a bid to create a devilish metal mohawk.
But because 'body modification' is unlicensed and unregulated in the UK, the entire operation will be done without anaesthetic
Among the operations that Diablo Delenfer - real name Gavin Paslow - has so far endured are having his tongue sliced in two to fork it, sub-dermal implants to create a set of horns and an eyeball tattoo that has turned the whites of his eyes bright red.
But despite the pain, the 43-year-old insists he has no plans to stop. 'I describe myself as a body modification artist,' he explains.
'I am a human curiosity but body modification is my life's journey. It's a little bit weird, a little bit eccentric but that's what I am.'
He adds: 'I chose to become the Devil Man because everything else has been done, whether here or in America. I'm not Satanic at all - it's just a piece of fun.'
It's certainly an expensive piece of fun, with Delenfer confessing to spending more than £10,000 on his transformation so far.
'Over the years, it's probably cost me £10,000 to look like this,' he explains. 'Being a Devil Man doesn't come cheap!'
It hasn't been cheap for the taxpayer either: In 2009, Delenfer was caught swindling £3,552 by making a series of fraudulent benefit claims and was sentenced to 200 hours of community service.
Speaking outside court after the trial, the divorced father-of-two said: 'I was really constrained by money and I just wanted to have these modifications done so I used my benefit money to pay for some of them.
'It was a stupid mistake and I'm really sorry. I'm paying it all back. I really regret it.'
He added: 'But I'm pleased with my look so far, but what I really want is a tail. And not just a synthetic one - a proper, organic tail.'