Thursday 2 January 2014

Apple: now has 78% of its mobile devices using iOS 7

According to the latest figures from Apple , the device is 78% iOS are using iOS 7 , an increase of 4% compared to back what we seen over a month ago . This is a good growth for a version of the mobile operating system is still relatively new. It can be seen that the management strategies on their own hardware and software has helped Apple to put new iOS users faster. Apple also recently issued a request that from 01.02.2014, all applications must be submitted to the App Store for iOS 7 optimizethe new label approved for sale. Now only 18% of Apple mobile device running iOS 6 and 4% use the older version.
Note: The above data collected by Apple devices that have access to the App Store in the last 7 days in December and ended Wednesday retrieve data on 12/29/2013 

